Contract Basics
Published on:
July 23, 2024
12min read

When Should You Use a Contract?

Luciana Gasser

When Should You Use a Contract?

When it comes to business, ensuring that expectations are clearly defined and met is paramount. Contracts play a crucial role in establishing these expectations and providing a legal framework for business agreements. But when exactly should you use a contract? Let's explore the importance of contracts and their role in business transactions.

Always Use a Contract to Ensure Expectations are Met

Contracts are essential tools in the business world, serving as formal agreements between parties. They outline the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of each party involved, thereby minimising misunderstandings and disputes. By using a contract, you create a clear, legally binding agreement that ensures all parties are on the same page.

Whether you're entering into a partnership, hiring a contractor, or selling goods and services, a contract can safeguard your interests. It provides a reference point that can be used to resolve any conflicts or discrepancies that may arise during the course of the agreement. Essentially, a well-drafted contract can prevent costly legal battles and protect your business from potential risks.

Oral or Written Contracts: What’s the Difference?

Both oral and written contracts hold legal validity under British law. However, in the context of business, having a written document is significantly more powerful and beneficial. Let's break down why this is the case:

  • Proof of Obligations: Written contracts provide tangible proof of the agreed terms and conditions. This makes it easier to enforce the agreement and prove each party's obligations if a dispute arises.
  • Clarity and Precision: Written agreements are typically more detailed and precise, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings. They clearly outline each party's responsibilities, timelines, and any contingencies, leaving little room for ambiguity.
  • Easier Enforcement: Courts are more likely to uphold written contracts because they provide clear evidence of the agreement. Oral contracts, on the other hand, can be challenging to prove, as they often rely on the memory and testimony of the parties involved.

When to Use a Contract

To ensure that your business operates smoothly and legally, it's advisable to use a contract in the following scenarios:

  1. Employment Agreements: Clearly define the terms of employment, including job responsibilities, salary, benefits, and termination conditions.
  2. Partnerships: Outline the roles, responsibilities, and profit-sharing arrangements between partners.
  3. Sales of Goods or Services: Detail the product or service specifications, delivery timelines, payment terms, and warranties.
  4. Lease Agreements: Specify the terms of property rental, including rent amount, lease duration, and maintenance responsibilities.
  5. Confidentiality Agreements (NDAs): Protect sensitive business information by defining what information must remain confidential and the consequences of a breach.
  6. Contractor Agreements: Set out the scope of work, payment terms, deadlines, and intellectual property rights.

Cheers Contracts: Your Solution for Effective Contract Management

At Cheers Contracts, we understand the importance of having well-drafted contracts to protect your business. Our platform offers a comprehensive solution for managing all your contractual needs:

  • Library of Standard Templates: Access a wide range of standard contract templates, including NDAs, services agreements, partnership agreements, contractor agreements, and statements of work (SOW).
  • Centralised Storage: All your contracts are stored in a centralised, easily accessible location within the Cheers Dashboard. This ensures that you can find and manage your contracts effortlessly.
  • Permission-Based Access: Our software provides permission-based access, allowing relevant team members to draft, review, and monitor contracts while ensuring legal teams have the necessary oversight.
  • Status Tracking: Easily track the status of your contracts, whether they are in draft mode, sent, signed, about to expire, or terminated. This feature helps you stay on top of your contractual obligations and deadlines.

With Cheers Contracts, you can streamline your contract management process, reduce the risk of disputes, and ensure that your business agreements are clear and enforceable.


In the business world, using a contract is not just a best practice; it is a necessity. Whether oral or written, contracts ensure that expectations are met and provide a legal framework that can protect your business interests. However, written contracts are generally more advantageous due to their clarity, ease of enforcement, and ability to provide concrete proof of the agreement.

By understanding when and why to use contracts, you can safeguard your business against potential disputes and ensure that all parties involved are clear on their obligations. With Cheers Contracts, managing your contracts has never been easier. Our platform provides the tools and resources you need to create, store, and track your contracts efficiently and effectively. So, the next time you enter into a business agreement, remember to put it in writing and leverage Cheers Contracts to ensure a robust and reliable contract management system.

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